Orders Processing in TPSynergy Vendor Portal for Suppliers

Buyers Review Supplier Suggested Changes

Shipments Booking in TPSynergy

Receiving Process in Vendor Portal

Forecast Process in TPSynergy

Alerts in TPSynergy Vendor Portal

  • Alerts Description

    Below Alerts are available in TPSynergy.

    1. New Order Alert : This alert is sent to Supplier when new orders are created in the system.
    2. Un Confirmed Orders Alert : This alert is sent to Suppliers when New orders are not confirmed within 3 days
    3. Un Confirmed Orders Customer Alert : This alert is sent to Customer users when new orders are not confirmed by Suppliers within 3 Days.
    4. Supplier Propose Changes Alert : This alert is sent to Customer users when suppliers propose changes to orders.
    5. Pending Buyer Approval Alert : This is a reminder alert when Buyers have not approved supplier proposed changes with in 3 Days
    6. Delayed Shipments Alert : This alert is sent to shippers when the order is past due and not shipped yet.
    7. Planned Shipments Alert : This alert is sent to shippers when the shipment is left in Planned status for more than 3 days.
    8. Routing Not Sent Alert : This alert is sent to shippers when Booking request is not sent to Echo due to missing information on the shipment.
    9. Routing Assigned Alert : This alert is sent to shippers when BOL number is updated.
    10. Delayed Receipts Alert : This alert is sent to Receivers when the shipment is not received after 7 days of shipping
    11. Receipt Qty Mismatch Alert : This alert is sent to Receivers when there is quantity mismatch between shipment and receipts
    12. Delayed Shipments Customer Alert : This alert is sent to customer user when shipments are not shipped in time.
    13. New Forecast Alert : This alert is sent to suppliers when new forecast is published
    14. Forecast Not Committed Alert : This reminder alert is sent to suppliers when forecast is not committed within in 3 days
    15. Forecast Commit Mismatch Alert : This alert is sent to customer users when there is a mismatch between forecast quantity and commit quantity