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Buyer Reviews supplier proposed changes

Buyer reviews supplier proposed changes

  1. Logout of the supplier login by clicking the logout button in the top right corner
  2. Or you can open another browser like IE or Chrome to login as buyer
  3. enter the url
  4. Enter username : teilbuyer and password : welcome@1
  5. Click Purchase Orders after login

Review supplier proposed changes

  1. Note that the schedules supplier made changes appear under Supplier proposed changes column
  2. Click the number under supplier proposed changes

Change History

  1. Buyer can view that the supplier has proposed different quantity and price
  2. Optionally buyer can view the full change history by right clicking in the grid and select history

Change History

  1. Both buyer and seller can review the full change history for traceability

Buyer Accept Supplier Proposed Changes

  1. Click Actions drop down menu and select Buyer Accept
  2. If Buyer rejects the changes, it will go back to supplier and suppiler can make further changes
  3. Once the order is accepted by Buyer and Supplier it is ready for further processing like Shipping, invoicing etc