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Create Draft Shipments through Excel Upload

This lesson describes how to move an Accepted Order to Planned Shipment by using EXCEL upload

TPSynergy application - Order Acceptance by Contract Manufacturers.

Login to TPSynergy application using your credentials as shown above by clicking the Submit button.

Step 2

Click Uploads/Downloads(Sell)--->Template Download(sell)-->Shipments Template Download. The screen opens. Enter Order Number in Order Number from field and Order Numer to fields. Select Draft in Shipment Status. Any number of filters can be added. Click Search&Download.

Step 3

A message box opens asking whether to save the file. Click Ok. The file will be saved to the local machine.

Step 4

Open the EXCEL file. SHIPMENT STATUS will be showing "Planned" indicating it will go to Shipment Planned status. The following information must be updated before uploading the file.
1. Total Weight - can be updated in Column BH in EXCEL
2. Weight UOM - Column BI
3. Carrier PickUp Date - Column BJ
4. Carrier Pickup Time- Column BK
5. Total Volume - Column BM
6. Volume UOM - Column BN

Save the file on the local machine without changing the name.

Step 5

Click on Uploads(Sell)--->Shipments Upload. The screen opens. Click Browse to select the file just saved and click Upload. The file is uploaded and shows a success message. Click Ok.

Step 6

Click Validate button. Click Submit button. A message box pops up showing Shipment submission successful. Click Ok.

Step 7

Click Shipments(Outbound). The screen opens. Enter the Order number used in the above shipment in Order Number From and Order Number From fields. Click Search. The shipment appears in Planned status.