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Receive in Excel

Step 1 - Login Screen

Enter UserName and Password and click Submit button

Step 2

Click Shipments(Inbound). The screen opens. Enter Shipment Number in Shipments Number From and Shipment Number To fields and click Search.

Step 3

Enter Shipped in "Shipment Status" field and click "Search" button.

Step 4

A dialogue box appears asking whether to Open or Save the file. Click "Save File" and click "Ok". The Excel file is saved to your local computer. Open the file. Enter the following values
1. Shipment Status : RECEIVED
2. Receipt Number : (Value)
3. Received Qty: (full qty or partial qty received)
Save the file and close.

Step 5

Click "Shipments Receipt Upload". The screen opens up. Click Browse to select the file saved in the previous step. Click Upload to upload the file. The file is shown in the preview table. Click Validate to check the data. If there are no errors, Sumit button becomes enabled. Click Submit. The file is submitted and data updated by the application. The shipment is received.