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Requesting Carrier - Shipment Booking to ECHO

This lesson describes the steps for booking carrier shipment

TPSynergy application - Order Acceptance by Contract Manufacturers.

Login to TPSynergy application using your credentials as shown above by clicking the Submit button.

Step 2

Click on Shipments(Outbound). Enter Shipment Number in Shipment Numer From and Shipment Number To fields and click Search. If Shipment number is not available, enter Order number in Order Numer from and Order Number to fields and click Search.The shipment number appears in Planned status. Click on it.

Step 3

The below fields are mandatory for sending routing request as per Echo file format.

Carrier Pick Up Date- This is the Freight Ready date
Carrier PickUp time - This is the Freight Ready time
Total Weight - System will calculate this if items have unit weight
Weight UOM
Packaging type code - Pallet or Carton
No of Packages
Total Volume
Volume UOM - CFT (Cubic Feet) or CIN (Cubic Inches)
You may need to scroll to the left to enter all the information.

Step 5 - Email Alert

If some fields are filled up and some fields not filled up, system will send an alert that not able to send routing request as shown above

Step 6 - Routing Assignment Confirmation

This email will say which carrier has been assigned to the routing request

Step 7 - Routing assigned in TPSynergy

When Echo assigns a routing carrier,TPS will be updated with BOL number.You can also print the BOL. Select the Shipment number with carrier Echo. Click Print.

Step 8

Click Open with to open the document to be printed. Click Ok. The documents open in pdf format which can be printed.

Step 9

Step 10

Step 11