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Ship Confirm by Excel Upload

Step 1

Step 1

Enter Username and Password and click Submit.

Step 2

Click Uploads/Downloads(Sell)---->Template Download(Sell)--->Shipments Template Download. The screen opens.

Step 3

Enter Shipment number that is in Planned status in Shipment Number From and Shipment Number to fields. Click Search&Download. A message box appears whether to save the file. Click Ok. The file gets saved to the local computer.

Step 4

The file opens. Change the Shipment status field to "Shipped". Save the file and close

Step 5

Click Uploads/Downloads(Sell)--->Uploads(Sell)--->Shipments Upload. The screen opens. Click Browse. Select the file saved in the previous step. Click Upload. The table gets updated with the data. A message box appears showing success. Click Ok.

Step 6

Click Validate to check for errors. If no errors, Submit button will become enabled. Click Submit. The file is uploaded and shipment is confirmed.