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Supplier Propose changes or Reject order in Excel

Step 1 Login Screen in TPSynergy application

Enter User Name and Password in the respective fields and click Submit button.

Step 2

The screen opens. Click Orders Template Download.

Step 3

Orders Template Download screen opens. Enter New for Schedule Status. Other filters can also be added. Click Search & Download button. A dialogue box opens asking whether to save the file. Click OK to save the file to the local computer.

Step 4

Open the file and enter the values for promisedDeliveryDate, quantityPromised, and Action.
If the Order has to be rejected, enter 0 for quantityPromised and a future date for PromisedDeliveryDate. Enter Change in Action field and save the file.

Step 5

After filling up the columns, save the file to the local folder.

Step 6

Click Orders Template Upload. The screen opens. Click Browse and select the file saved in the previous step. Click Upload. The file gets uploaded and a message box appears showing file upload success.

Step 7

Click Validate to check the file for errors. If there are no errors, Submit button becomes enabled . Click Submit. A message box appears showing Success. Click Ok.

Step 8

To check whether the Order is under Supplier propose changes, click on Standard Sales orders. The screen opens. Enter the Order number that is changed in Excel file in the Order Number From and Order Number to Field and click Search Button. Supplier propose changes show the count as 1 indicating the order number is under that status. Click on the number to view details.

Step 9

In the Order Details, observe the Promised delivery Date and Promised Quantity changed.

Step 10

If the quantityPromise is 0 , the order will move to Supplier Rejected status.